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Product Inquiry
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Product Inquiry
Catalog Download
Product Inquiry Form
Product in question
Electrolyzed Water Generator of Continuous Operation type “Aquapulita”
Electrolyzed Water Generator of Table Top Type “Aquapulita mini”
The details of the inquiry
Please describe the details of the inquiry.
(300 words or less)
Expected time until introduction
Introduce immediately
Introduce within 3 months
Introduce within 6 months
At an information and research stage
Name of person in charge
Company Name
Telephone Number
Mail Address
Privacy Policy
On an inquiry, personal information provided by a customer is used for such as answers to repair and consultation, or the catalogue shipment. In addition, within the limitation of the use purpose, the personal information of the customer is provided to a company and the subcontractor in conjunction with the product concerned.Please check and confirm by all means “a privacy policy”. If you can agree, please attach a check mark at “Agree” and send the details of your inquiry.